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SEB S.A. Stock , SEBYF. 142.10 EUR-3.30-2.27 Isabel Posth, VP-Financial Communications & Investor Rela The largest end markets by revenue are the Caribbean and Central and South America. URL:; Investor Relations URL: https:// www. Certifikater registreret på Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen.

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Please fill in the form below. We will answer your questions as soon as possible. Investor i korthet. Investor, som grundades av familjen Wallenberg 1916, är en engagerad ägare av högkvalitativa globala företag. Vi har ett långsiktigt investeringsperspektiv. Genom styrelserepresentation, industriell erfarenhet, vårt nätverk och finansiella styrka, arbetar vi för att våra företag ska uppnå eller bibehålla positionen best-in-class. Groupe SEB informs its shareholders that the Combined General Meeting of Thursday, May 20, 2021 will be held at the Groupe SEB Headquarters, 112 09/04/2021 - 07:30 Investor Relations Die SEB betreut in Deutschland anspruchsvolle mittelständische Unternehmen, global agierende Konzerne, institutionelle Kunden und Immobilieninvestoren.

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Groupe SEB is a large French consortium that produces small appliances, and it's the world's largest manufacturer of cookware. Notable brand names associated with Groupe SEB include All-Clad, IMUSA, Krups, Moulinex, Rowenta, Tefal and WMF Group. According to the Groupe SEB website, they have faced considerable competition from low-price Chinese competitors, but have managed to maintain a constant sales level. A large proportion of their product lines are now manufactured in China

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E-mail: anders.hult@sbab.sePhone: +46 8 614 38 64. Emma Holmberg, Head of Investor Relations.
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May 12, 2020 SEB. Group Communications & Investor Relations.
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Walmart Canada adopts SEB’s FlexPlus and EQ Care to offer Virtual Healthcare to over 90,000 associates. SEB Administrative Services Inc., a subsidiary of SEB Inc., a leader in health and benefits administration and processing solutions, have partnered with EQ Care to make virtual healthcare available to more than 90,000 Walmart Canada associates.

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The relationship of trust between Groupe SEB and its shareholders is built over the long term and nourished on a daily basis by providing these last with clear and continuous information and regular contact. Becoming a Groupe SEB shareholder demonstrates strong commitment and stands as a sign of trust for the company.

Share price graph; Share price alert; Investment calculator; Latest share trades; Share price look-up; Repurchase of own shares; Outstanding shares; Share capital; Data per share; Dividend; Largest shareholders; Analysts; Consensus estimates; SEB's Class C shares; Indices; Debt investors. Debt programmes Groupe SEB seeks to develop and gain the loyalty of its shareholders by leading a proactive policy on dialogue and information. The relationship of trust between Groupe SEB and its shareholders is built over the long term and nourished on a daily basis by providing these last with clear and continuous information and regular contact. Discover Groupe SEB latest financial news and events Find also annual or half-year results information, quarterly press releases, webcasts or audiocasts and financial publications… Societe Generale Chairman’s ESG Virtual roadshow investor presentation (uniquement en anglais) Presentation (PDF - 1.15 MB) 07.12.2020 Conferences and other presentations French Retail Banking Virtual Event . Webcast ; Presentation (PDF - 2.06 MB) 03.12.2020 Conferences and other presentations No financial communication will be carried out with media, investors or analysts et al. during the silent period until the release of the quarterly results.

Isabelle Posth, Director of Financial Communications and Investor Relations, and Raphael Hoffstetter, Head of Investor Relations, will be delighted to inform you in the most comprehensive manner about Groupe SEB and its strategy, performances and outlook. Please fill in the form below. We will answer your questions as soon as possible.

keep up with changing customer demands with minimal additional investment Tomas Majus Project Manager Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken S.A. Corporate Profile; Bran Mar 2, 2020 It also provides information on the bank's capital position and capital adequacy. Download the reports:  Research, news, share price information and investor relations on SEB SA (SK FP, SEBF.PA, SK.PA). Smartkarma, the Global Investment Research Network. relationship, our broad investment advice including alternative assets, and not decided on 19 June 2019 to dissolve SEB SA without liqui- dation by transfer of  investors. SEB is organised in relation to our client segments, con- sisting of four divisions: Large SEB Asset Management S.A., merged with SEB SEB IM AB. Investors who anticipate trading during these times are strongly advised to use limit orders.

2020-06-30, Ordinarie utdelning SEB C 0.00 SEK komma att utvärdera en utdelning senare i år och om så sker, kalla till en extrastämma och presentera ett förslag till utdelning.