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A cloud-based SMS service is what we at Sinch offer, the services are accessed through our SMS messaging APIs and web tools. Check out our Developer area to find out more about our easy to use APIs to send SMS, and if your ready to go and don't need to integrate, sign up …
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Sign In The arrival of the internet has brought about significant changes in the way we work and live. That includes the way we teach and study. Classrooms today aren’t just about teachers writing on blackboards and students scribbling on paper. There are projectors, digital pens, laptops and of course the internet, which is responsible for all […] The SMS Server Tools 3 is a SMS Gateway software which can send and receive short messages through GSM modems and mobile phones. To have Netdata send notifications via SMS Server Tools 3, you'll first need to install and configure smsd. Ensure that the user netdata can execute sendsms.
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